We are dedicated to providing quick and prompt response time for all orders. We strive to ship your order within 3 business days. Unfortunately, due to unexpected demand there could be up to 2 week(s) of processing depending on orders received. We will inform each customer if an order is going to take more than 3 business days to process via email.
Please make note that all orders to Canada or Australia can take upwards of 3 weeks to for delivery of product from Cheryl Dyson-Bennett. Unfortunately, due to unexpected demand, there could be delays up to 4 week(s) depending on date the order was received. We are working to reduce the processing time.
Country | Shipping Price | Duties Paid At |
Australia | $20.00 USD | Checkout |
Canada | Free over $100 USD | Checkout |
Canada | $14.00 USD | Checkout |
All discounts applied to orders are based on the total value of the order. The discount is not applied to tax and duty costs (if applicable).
We appreciate your patience for our ever-growing company!
Have more questions? Contact us.